It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas is over.

We finally took down the Christmas decorations today and the house is back to normal. It's always such a bittersweet time. This year even more so because we downsized a lot for the move. We went from 8 or 9 large tubs to 5. I have the hardest time getting rid of anything. I seem to think eventually I will use it again, even though it sits in a box year after year. Our move is really going to get my butt in gear to get rid of anything that is not needed. Why can't I take it all with me?!?! Believe it or not, I feel like I am more prepared for this move (at the moment) than I have been with any other. I know that is a shocker to all of you who know me and how much of a procrastinator I am! We only have a little over a month and a half to go before we put the house on the market. Fingers crossed we stay ahead of the game with the purging. (I feel like Rob Schneider is in my head repeatedly saying "You can do it".) Ha! :)

Well, this was kind of a short and sweet post tonight. I felt getting back to normalcy for the moment was a blog worthy moment. Talk to ya'll soon.


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