How do you prepare for this day?

I knew this day would come, but I always thought it would be later than sooner. I knew my son was planning to move out this year, we have talked about it a lot. Yesterday he called me at work and said him and a friend found an apartment and it is available the first of next month. He is going to look at it on Wednesday. It was cute when he said "I am going to dress nice and be professional because they don't like to give kids apartments". I was like "whoa, let's talk about this later" I can't be sad at work. I thought about it all night and it's still on my mind today. How do you prepare for this??

He is 20 years old, he is at the age where he needs to start his life. He just graduated college, has a good paying job and he IS ready. I on the other hand, am not! Tanner was my first born, he is the one who made me a mom. The one who was always there for me for 8 years, while I was a single mom. He was my first true love. He just doesn't know how much I LOVE HIM! I feel like I can't do this, but I know I can. We have been through worse together. It's nothing like him learning to ride a bike, nothing like taking off in his truck for the first time when he was 16 years old. This is knowing that all of his stuff is going to be gone from his room in a couple weeks, and him NOT coming back. Right now he comes home at least 3-4 nights a week when he isn't with his girlfriend. (We love you Molly) These last 20 years have really flown by.

I think it is hitting me even harder because we are going to be moving as well. We won't be just around the corner from him, we are going to be in different parts of the country. I won't get to see him during the week or even weekends. I will say this... I think we did a pretty darn good job preparing him for real life. There are some things he doesn't think about, common sense things from time to time, but he is going to do great. He is a HARD worker and shows up for work even when he is sick. He saves his money and thinks about the future now. Thank you Molly. TANNER, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU AND WHO YOU HAVE BECOME!!! (I know you are reading this)

For all you moms and dads out there going through the same thing, I feel ya. This sucks! We can get through it though. Nothing a nice BIG glass of wine and chocolate can't help, temporarily. HAHA!

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys are enjoying my blogs. I will write again really soon.



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